Jumat, 13 Januari 2012

How to Eliminate Fat In Stomach

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No need great effort to reduce fat in the abdomen. With little change habits, you can reduce the volume of fat in the abdomen.
Some way, such as reducing the levels of sugar consumption and exercise more diligent. Not only these two ways, following healthy habits that are useful salts reduce the volume of fat in the abdomen, as quoted from the Health.

→ Food Chew Longer
According to Dawn Jackson Blatner, RD, author of The Flexitarian Diet ', chew your food longer is the most powerful way to avoid bloating. Without sufficient chewing, the food will not digest properly so that the stomach becomes filled with gas and bulge.

→ Reduce Sugar Consumption
According to Jorge Cruise, author of 'The Belly Fat Cure', reducing the consumption of sugar will keep the insulin levels remained low and also maintaining high glucagon levels. Glucagon is a hormone that helps fight belly fat, so fat is not accumulating in your stomach area.